Message: Why infringers should settle

For those at the 2008 SHM on Sept 17 in EDIG's conf room, during Fred's presentation a slide showed CE sales for I think 10 years (not sure if it was 10?) from 1996 to 2006 with 2007 & 2008 blank.

It was a bar chart with 2006 at $30 Bln.

Mind you, this is ALL CE products, not just cell phones, digital cameras, PDA's and cam corders that we have claimed our tech to be within.

The estimated total sales figures were collected from reporting companies to some CE organization, I do not recall what it's name is, but at the time not all companies report and I suspect IMO not all do today either.

During Q&A someone asked of RP what an estimated projection was for 2008 and he replied $50 Bln. Last year someone posted here I think what the actual number was for 2008 and I recall $40 Bln....might not be accurate, but it fell short of what was said at the meeting.

Since then, fast forward to 2011 and just look at how many hand held devices with the potential of having EDIG's tech within.....tablets, smart phones by the hundreds of millions have hit the world market since the 2008 SHM. $50 Bln + would not surprise me for 2010 no less.

If I can find the organization these companies report quartely sales to I'll post it, but I'd bet sman will beat me to

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