Message: Agoracom

"Why not discuss the reasons you are invested in this stock, challenges ahead and opinions on what will take this stock to the next level. Bring some DD to the board, not disruption..."

I will not comment on the remainder of your post. We see some diffferences and it's not worth going in to, so I'll comment on the above.

I agree, it is a investment board, not a chat room. There have been days when I counted almost 80% of the posts as being off topic. So lets cut them out in the future and we won't have to wade through the crap.

Eliminate the guido, the bada bing, the wine discussion, the dog discussion and dozens of other topics. Put them on the off topic board and individuals can chat all day without cluttering up the edig investment board.

Also, keep the past out of the discussion if all would agree, that is the $24.50 pps, the bad management decisions, the lies management told, etc.

I don't spend hours watching the board, but get mad when I have to go through dozens of meaningless posts to find something substantial. I can go 2 or 3 days without even looking at the board, so it's annoying to go through the posts to catch up, in fact it's wrong if you think about individuals coming to the board for the first time hoping to find information about a potential investment.

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