Message: Markman headline for edig

To better understand the effect of a Markman Hearing Favorable Ruling for EDIG read the case of SANDISCK CORPORATION V. ST MICROELECTRONICS, INC., 3/26/2007 Decision of he 9th Circuit Court of Appeal, especially the concurrinng opinion by Justice Bryson...

You will not make such catagorical statements like:...

"There is no guarantee that settlements will happen, or that the share price will go up and remain at a higher level."...


There is no Gaurantees in life period. There is no gaurantee that the Sun will shine tomorrow, nor there is a gaurantee that you and I will wake up tomorrow...


If as th Court explains in SANDISK, (supra), after a positive Markaman Ruling the parties may file ARTICLE III Motions for declaratory releif, with the only issue remaining being "HOW MUCH COMPENSATION a plaintiff is entitled to, it strains one's limits of credulity to hear you say " or that the share price will go up and remain at higher levels."., as you posit...

An EDIG and DM with a positive Markman Ruling in hand, will be "Cashing out" by sending letters out o defendants reading "Pay me x Million dollars within 30 days or I will see you in Court in an Article III Hearing... And You can count on that as much as you can count the Sun will shine tomorrow...

Your assumptions make it sound as though DM are dolts who wasted their time all these years thy have been around for nothing...

You can be sure my friend that the PPS shall be affected by a positive Markman Ruling one way or another, and shall stay up as the money starts to roll in and the PLAN come together...




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