Message: Bill Boyer Baaaack in IFE! Under 1LB embedded device!!


We been long time out of the IFE market, every IFE company is been affected by the “Tsunami” of Table PC’s

Android devices, Ipads, Ipods, laptops, EBooks …ect.

I am happy that eDigital is not there spending money on this obsolete market (IFE )

In the other hand they are looking for new technologies collecting a large bag of CROSS LICENSING Technologies, they are not doing all this to close later the shop or to stop experimenting creating new devices, every cross licensing they own increase the value of the company

And make it much attractive to some other company that will like to buyout, partnered or Merge with Edigital

Edigital has fail selling products on the past, but they still are ON Business, reporting every quarter with the SEC and holding CC’s, SHM and comunications with the shareholders

With ZERO debt and just waiting for some funds to launch whatever they been working with Mr.Pat Nunally during the last 4 - 5 years!

Just remember when we had the MP3’s and did not have enough funding to place them on the market.

As today we have a clean path on our way, we are just waiting the confirmation that

We OWN the technology of what other companies are making Billions.

After over 10 years I can say today …. Is a matter of days ...for a life changing event in our investment

Stay tight!

Greengo /Patrick

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