Message: Re: Of further interest...from Intel..
Jun 01, 2011 07:46PM

The all important issue of "Portability"

Intel being able to implement this...

"which can run both Android and Windows 7 simultaneously, with the user allowed to switch between them with a click of an icon."

Tells me they are managing the attributes of both systems with a common thread, or the same format....similar to what e.Digital does.

Reading this....

"While ARM chips cannot run the current version of Windows, Microsoft intends to change that with its next version of the OS."

"Intel said the upcoming Windows version for ARM will not be able to run applications from older versions of the OS. Microsoft has said Intel's statement is inaccurate and misleading."

IMO, Intel is stating that MSFT is not capable of simplicity....and MSFT is behind the curve.

Intel is commenting of MSFT....we can implement with simplicity your OS and others with the flick of an icon utilizing the same exact format.....where MSFT, you are format development specific.

RE: provided countering views

"Intel's statements during yesterday's Intel investor meeting about Microsoft's plans for the next version of Windows were factually inaccurate and unfortunately misleading," Microsoft said. "From the first demonstrations of Windows on SoC, we have been clear about our goals and have emphasized that we are at the technology demonstration stage. As such, we have no further details or information at this time."

May 19, 2011 .....????

You all know what I've stated about e.Digital's portability and they do it utilizing the same format....where that is important, they do it while interfacing the troublesome issues dealing with trapped electron memory.


Will we ever see the day?


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