Message: Apple's Patent Payment to Nokia

Seems to me the trend very very recently is to resolve these issues, as the penalty for ignoring them is increasingly inescapable. In view of recent events, I don't know that the delay hurt us and maybe actually working to our advantage. We shall see.

To our potential deal like this.....

Ouch - Apple's Estimated Payments To Nokia: $608 Million Up Front, Almost $140 Million Per Quarter

Deutsche Bank analyst Kai Korschelt has recently made a series of estimates regarding Apple’s patent dispute payments to Nokia, which we told you about yesterday. According to Korschelt’s estimates, Apple could be paying Nokia as much as $608 million in a lump-sum, and around $138 million each quarter.

According to MacRumors:

The estimate, based on previous patent-related settlements in the industry, assumes a 1 percent royalty rate on all iPhones sold through the first quarter — 110 million phones at an average selling price of $550. Korschelt also says that Apple would likely send Nokia recurring revenue payments covering future iPhone sales at the same rate, payments that would come in at around 95 million euros ($137.6 million) per quarter based on current sales, to cover ongoing licensing.

The patent dispute initially began in 2009, and – while Nokia did ultimately secure the promise of payments from Apple – the Finnish company didn’t win every round of the flight. In fact, back in March the International Trade Committee sided with Apple regarding five patents.

We’ll let you know if there are any developments. In the meantime, let us know your opinions on the Apple-Nokia patent dispute in the comments.

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