Message: Glympse of our future....I hope so

I happen to believe that "our" Nunchi project is likely not a stand alone app or at least one to be marketed by us. More likely, and to me more desirable perhaps, is that we for instance would be developing this in conjunction with let's say for sake of argument...Samsung.

It seems most likely that we would be adding our know-how and for this I will speculate but perhaps not too wildly....

If you look at the site I have linked below you will see a demo app of the type I think Nunchi would like to be and hopefully will be one day soon.

This app allows you to set your location awareness for a certain amount of time to only those you choose to allow to see this info.....a "glimpse" of your world to those you would like to share with.

Now, I feel that OUR tech in flash memory management likely could feature in these types of app which seem like they might store a fair amount of informaiton over time. I am guessing (doni, others chime in here) that handling this type of file storage may be beyond simple RAM resources and/or require efficient use of RAM to conserve battery (which has still not gone out of style). It seems that if one were to use this type of app often or leave it running on your device that constant read-write cycles would be occurring and that may be where we could shine in Nunchi with our files structures and wear leveling tech, power conservation and ability to integrate with a real time OS that would seem to be a hallmark of our abilities harking back to our MP3 player days and Fujitsu etc.

So, in summary I see us being an integrator of our tech with a company like Samsung maybe to be included as a standard app on "all" of their smartphones/devices for instance.

Now this could be just wild speculation on my part but would be interested to know what others think about the subject. This company is certainly not the only one developing these types of place-base apps but in my mind it is the first one with a more compelling story and useful ideas....but maybe it is just because I am old now (I was young when I bought my first edig...).


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