Message: 8K Out

"You shoulda been her expert consultant." I have a bias

As far as legal mis steps...of which I include this ....

"However, the unrebutted evidence received from Mr. Mihran at the Markman hearing indicated that certain types of flash memory – including the type specifically identified in the ‘774 patent – could be directly addressed by the microprocessor in the same way that RAM could, such that one could replace that RAM with the appropriate flash memory."

That unrebutted testimony, though it may have not seemed worth the effort after anticipating their position with A and B now biting us.

The thing is, that hearing and all the issues involved take can not present properly in that short a time. IMO, both sides suffered with an incomplete hearing and the court is now suffering reviewing minutes trying to piece things together on what was heard.

I don't know what to make of it.


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