Message: I've been reassessing the judges opinion...

[2]The remainder of the disputed language[a flash memory module which operates as sole memory of the] requires that the device use only flash memory, not RAM or any other memory system, while engaging the CODEC, DSP (as applicable), and memory control functions, as well as storing the fully-manipulated data."

1. "requires that the device use only flash memory, not RAM or any other memory system, while engaging the CODEC, DSP (as applicable),"

These digital processing principles are handled up stream the flash as they relate to those entities, and have nothing to do with the flash....after the digital processing, digital details move to the flash for digital storage.

(as applicable)....AD / DA.... compression...or other?

2. "requires that the device use only flash memory, not RAM or any other memory system, while engaging memory control functions."

These engagemets take place through the micro- controller/ detailed on the patent up stream as well.....while engaging the CODEC, DSP

3."requires that the device use only flash memory, not RAM or any other memory system, while engaging storing the fully-manipulated data."

using the flash for storage...


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