not an insider at the company I really can't tell you what Fred might say to us at this point without divulging strategy relating to the legal proceedings. My point is, perhaps Fred could share some other business related matter that is not under DM's purvue that could allay some of the share holder apprehension right now. I am not the CEO. If I was and I had anything that I could share I would. I don't expect Mr. Falk to do anything. I really don't believe he is that concerned about share holders. That is just my opinion. I don't mean to start an intramural firefight here with people taking sides about Falk. I have met Mr. Falk and found him to be a very personable man, but the present circumstances require more than a good personality. We need a leader who can step up and rally troops and steel them for what lies ahead. I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing that and it concerns me.