Message: Stock upward movement

Do you recall the last few months with those 35,000-49000 shares trading days with .083-.085 tading days?...

I am enjoying these over million trading days with 30% rise in pps...

MMS are no fools. They jumped on the chance of shaking 10 million shares away from the week-kneed shareholders, and now are making money getting the pps back up...

One of my greatest trepedations has always been the 10-20 million shares owend by the NNNS,(Nattering Nabos of Negativisim), who had been waiting for a chance to dump their holdings on the way up, which would have a dampening effect on the true valuation of the hoped for rise once the patents were validated...

In my view the last week events mitigated that potential problem and I consider it a POSITIVE event...



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