Message: Refections

Balderdash, I say to all your pontifications...

And, do tell us, what else did you see in your crystal ball this morning?...

Why don't you just wait till DM has spoken, instead of giving this group your conjecture that DM is "renegotiating the terms of their arrangement."

Where did you come up with this non sense? Does you son date the Janitor's daughter who empties DM'S trash bins?...

Finally, I am appalled by your statements,"EDIG is a patent troll", and " This is no longer the slam dunk originally predicted", and "company's on a knife edge", all of which are buzz words aimed at inciting further unjustfied worry by those who are coping with recent set backs...

Shame on you. You must be getting some kick out of fanning the stress of others with unsubstantiated word mongering...


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