I sent a reply to Fred
posted on
Aug 17, 2011 12:54PM
I'm sorry, but I don't completely understand your position. We have been
kept in the dark for many years under the cloak of secrecy on too many
issues. It's time for a change, the shareholders are entitled to more
information and the company has an obligation to keep the shareholders
informed of the current and future business.
Most companies not only talk about their business plans, but provide
progress and updates on major elements that impact the business. In
addition, many provide full disclosure on patent agreements which we keep
secret. Also new ventures and product development is shared with
shareholders and the investment community which will provide anticipated
revenue and profit growth and attract new investors. Again, you choose to
keep this internally only.
I'm disappointed that you do not plan to discuss in more detail the items I
included in my message identified as number 1, 2, and 3. These are the crux
of the present company excluding the patent lawsuit process, which we have
no assurance of a positive resolution, and with the share price at $.03, I
cannot agree with your reasoning.
I hope you reconsider and offer an insight and partial information related
to the business plan and its elements and some of the technical applications
of the recent patent filings without disclosing any extremely confidential
information, there are degrees of what is confidential.
Richard A. Osborne