Message: FWIW....

re post....for those that have it in their mind the the memory options of claims 1 and can see what the defendants were after...

RE: claim term B construction

3. Defendants’ Proposed Constructions: (1) flash memory module: “a removable, interchangeable flash memory recording medium and (2) sole memory of the received processed sound electrical signals:the only memory of the received processed sound electrical signals, without another memory system such as RAM

The defendants wanted option 1 storage memory considered....and option 2 not considered, where option 1 to be "the only memory"considered, based on phrase issues pulled from option 2, there by mis construing the word sole into option 1. With that, ignoring the "digital information" issue of option 1 "without another memory system such as RAM”.

They did not get what they were after, however, the court composed around the RAM issue some what, as it relates to Analog issues. It took into consideration both type options..."as applicable" for the file data constructs analog or digital....however, not for the "digital information" and management issues.


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