Message: Interesting...

"Why is edig having the SHM so early in the day on 9/1 (still in trading day?)? They have never done this before,"

I saw Fred Feb 3rd @ 11 AM for about 30 minutes, never posted that I did or what we talked about, decided not to because there was nothing Earth shattering, just general chit chat as always is the case, but there is one item that makes sense to me now.

At that time, we were of the understanding that the SHM would be in Mar. I asked Fred when he would announce the date and all he said was "we will advise via company communications and I can say nothing further"...should have had GUIDO with me darn it!!!

I was geting ready to leave, stood up to shake his hand, then said, "well, whenever it is I will see you that day at 2 PM." "Why 2 PM Joe?" "Because you guys always have SHM's at 2 PM." His reply, "I guess you are right."

Later that day I get a call from an Agora person here, I was not online nor home, saying a PR just went out that the SHM was pushed out to "this Summer" and to bridge the gap EDIG will host a webcast Mar 14th. I can't find the PR??

Could have knocked me over with a feather...LOL.

Why 10 AM?

Why Sept 1st?

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