Message: Going On A Sabbatical

Hello all,

Well, my pre-ASM speculative posts didn’t turn out so hot. Sorry about that. There just seemed to be too many coincidences, and the imagination kicked in. So, I guess I just ran with it. I simply did too much hummming.

Having said that, I think it is time to just sit back and observe. I don’t reckon I’ll be posting again until something definitive happens (Difficult for a speculator to say.). And that may be awhile, hope not but we’ll see.

Okay, before I go on this self-imposed sabbatical, here are some thoughts I have observed about the ASM, and what has transpired since:

1.Why was Woody there? As far as I know he no longer has no interest in edig. And, it doesn’t appear he has any involvement with EDIG, even given his long relationship with PN and PTSC. Pride in ‘774? Morale support? And then I saw the post by tonyrog42, saying FF, WN, and the team of engineers would be meeting with USPTO on the re-exam when appropriate. Then I saw Dis’s post clarifying that FF said he, WN, and PN would be going to the re-exam. This makes me wonder what happened to the co-inventors, and why PN, other than perhaps an expert testimony/observer sort of thing? Okay, I reckon that perhaps WN was only there to offer visible credence to FF’s statement. I can see no other reason. Hmmmm. Oops, there I go again.

2.Okay, on to the most recent settlements. Wasn’t it Canon & HTC who filed the motion for re-exam? I could be wrong about Canon, but I am pretty sure it was somebody in the 2nd Rnd who has already settled. I guess this makes for a reasoning/probability that DM just might settle with the rest of the 2nd Rnd def’s (For obvious $ reasons, better now than late, etc…) and hopefully they will move on to a 3rd Rnd with the big boys. But, I don’t think that will happen until the re-exam results come out. Could be wrong. Hmmmm, damn it, oh well.

3.Change of venue: I never understood why DM left TX after the 9 settlements as paltry as they were, but the court did seem favorable? And then continue with the 2nd Rnd in Denver? The reason I heard form RP was that the TX calendar was too full, take too long, etc. RP being his typical placating self. (Ha ha). Okay, I guess that’s possible/reasonable, but why Denver, when I think its Wisconsin that has reputedly the informed PI knowledge/judiciary? I think the Denver move turned out to be a big DM mistake, and as FF said, “They were getting out of Dodge.”

4.Transparency and filed patents/applications & “Get the word out.”: When a patent application (I have 6 patents issued) is filed there is an 18 to 24 mo window where everything is secret about what has been applied for in the eyes of the USPTO while being reviewed , and particularly kept from the public/competitors/customers, and during this time. This is the period sell ”partners”, announce what you have done, and make deals without giving away what you have applied for (Duh). I think it is simply that edig is in a very difficult and unusual situation, because of the DM and the re-exam lawyers on-going stuff. They want to talk about what they are up to, but can’t afford to upset the legal situation on two fronts, and their only source, at present at least, of real income, except doing what they can behind the scenes. It’s weird, to say the least. Damned if you don’t, damned if you do.

5.I think Nunchi may be for real, but who knows, and how far it is reallyt along? If it is, I wouldn’t count the Samsung/Korean connection. How much did Samsung settle for, $200K? Hmmmm, there I go again.

6.As far as the whole recent debacle with jtdiii goes, who can say he hasn’t bought back in? Not I. And, I think the forum exchange since, has brought some positive comments/objective thinking/comments overall, etc.

I guess that’s it for now. As I said previously, I will be going into the background. I will continue to observe, but not post until something definitive happens. A sabbatical, so to speak. I need to make some $ some other way, because I don’t think it is going to happen with edig or EDIG anytime soon. Hope I’m wrong, we’ll see. Hmmmm.

Sayonara, and I reckon we’ll wait for the significant dawn. And, thank you very much. Spec… has left the building.

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