Message: Pentax case - Civil Action No. 09-cv-02578-MSK-MJW- the judge is ridiculous

Great post. You sum it up by saying:...

"Conclusion – you do not need to read this case over too many times to understand it was written by a chimpanzee"

I can see DM sitting accross the table form HTC lawyers in a restaurant across the steet from the Courthous and saying to them;

O.K. you guys, we got this screwy decision that was written by a Chimpanzee, now is the time for you to make some points with your clients and come up with a settlement offer, because here is what I going to do;

1) I am going to work up a Joint Motion and ask you to sign it, (more billing hours for you), and file it with the Court asking for more dicovery.

1) I am going to make a record that the Judge ignored Ruling on 737 by moving for an ORDER for such ruling. This lays the basis for an APPEAL to 10th Circuit (More billing Hours for you guys).

You guys contact your clients and explain the extra costs they can expect and lets settle some of theses case during the next30-60 days. This is the bargain basement days. Once I go for the APPEAL the price goes much higher.

I will pay the tab this time....

(Just one favor to ask) Cut out the expletives please. We would hate to loose you when an FBI guy knocks on your door...Lol...Lol...


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