Message: 774 reexam info in Sept from Neverending @ IHUB

At the SHM meeting FF discussed how this re-exam will be held. He said he and Woody and the patent lawyers and EDig's engineers would all be there to completely explain the patent to the examiner. This was done through a specific manuever on their parts (which I remember FF talking about but do not remember the details) rather than simply letting the examiner do his "thing" alone. He said this was "HUGE" to EDig's case and bode well for a (possible) positive outcome mainly due to having the INVENTOR (Woody) there. He also stated, if I remember correctly, "that this was not a normal procedure in cases like this". I am sure others who were at the meeting heard the same thing.

The very good "due diligence" by those on this board in looking up the USPTO re-exam case seems to indicate the examiner is going to rule AGAINST EDig.....I have no specific knowledge as to how this all works or how it will play out but in my visit with FF last week we discussed this subject. I asked him about a time line and he iterated that the patent office was severely backlogged and it could possibly take quite a bit longer than the normal "one year" time schedule to complete the re-exam. I also asked if he was making plans to go to the patent office and he replied their meeting with the examiner was not on the docket as yet but when it was all would be there.

The reason I am informing all here is to not read too much, if anything, into the USPTO report. EDig WILL BE THERE TO STATE THEIR CASE PRIOR TO ANY CONCRETE DECISIONS MADE BY THY EXAMINER. (AND THEY WILL BE PREPARED)

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