Message: iPhone/EDIG?

No, I'm not trying to reduce the price.

I'm trying to let Fred know that as President he should be doing things to increase the shareholder value. Quit the promises and make something happen. Stop the secrecy and start to inform the shareholders and investment community about plans, product development and introduction, and patent information.

I have sent Fred emails asking for more information regarding plans and actions. It's important we take note that Fred refused to answer the questions submitted for discussion at the shareholders meeting and he refused to answer any of them.

It is what it is and those that don't want to believe it are putting to much trust in management and the capability of the company.

How many years has it been since we developed and marketed a new product?

We have a right as shareholders to critique what the management is doing and are they successful in executing plans and actions to achieve stated goals?

Gil, as to price, this board has maybe 400-500 individuals that follow the comments made by 50 or so posters. There are another approx 20,000 shareholders according to past communication with RP and they have no idea what we are saying and what we say has nothing to do with any impact on the price.

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