Message: Anyone hear that loud whistle?

It is the train leaving the station and Nunchi is not along for the ride. How long has the Innovations Group web site been in hibernation? Companies are innovating and doing every month, every week, every day and all we get is verbal vapor. I know the patents are real and have potential to create revenues. Many here would probably disagree, but I do not want to hear anymore about Nunchi unless/until they have signed contracts, partnerships, and revenue streams to talk about. Until then it is just like Tantilus and the grapes(I like that analogy better than the carrot and stick one). That old commercial comes to mind "Where's the Beef?--or maybe "All sizzle and no steak". Then there is "talk is cheap" and "money talks, BS walks"--you get the picture. Oh, and one last one, "I cannot comment on advice of counsel"--this is what we get for $185K/year. Nice gig if you can get it. Sorry for the rant, I am done now.

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