Message: Did us a favor

A while back several on this board were wondering/lamenting why HTC would request a re exam and then settle. Didn't seem to make sense on the surface. Then some suggested that it was all part of the negotiation and that they were in fact doing us a favor.(I wish I could give credit where credit is due, but I do not remember who brought this up) Perhaps HTC knew and we knew that with the help of some good patent attorneys and in the absence of bad luck that Edig would be able to reaffirm its patents and in the process make them stronger. Could also explain all the settlements, albiet relatively small ones because Edig still had some hurdles to clear. I do not understand all the technical language, but the tone of the posts of those that do makes it feel like our attorneys have the ammunition which supports our patents and refutes the prior art argument. We still have to get to the finish line, but we are running a strong race. Not predicting success, and not predicting share price, just starting to feel like we may have hit bottom and 2012 will be a year of reversal of fortunes--figuratively and hopefully literally.

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