Message: What I would like to see...

Never give-up on faith, hope and visionaries.

It is a big part of what has made America great!

richard - I know I once said it was a 'pipe-dream' but lets try call those things that be not as though they are; blessed is the person who has not seen yet still believes. Faith is the sustanance of those things hoped for and the evidence of those not seen...

As a shareholder base lets pray they finaly have the sleuses of favor bestowed on them and us.

Hey, we've tried everthing else, it couldn't hurt - I put the people involved in the PTO process and EDIGs efforts in my prayers every morning.

You have not becauce you ask not.

We are rewarded and condemed by every word that proceedeth out of our mouth.

I am sure the employees at e.Digital and the Polis family could definitly use this right now; think how they're feeling with this 744 getting continually knocked-down, not to mention the years-n-years of thievery we've endured.


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