Message: A Polite Reminder about Forum Etiquette - HUB Leaders, Members, Message Removal

Dear members.

Some of you may have read this reminder on our Patriot HUB. Typically, when a situation goes souer over there, it comes over here, so please excuse our pre-emptiveness here.

We'd like to thank you all for your participation in this discussion forum. Your input in to this community has allowed you to create the best and above all most sophisticated e.Digital for investors on the web. For that you deserve our congratulations and gratitude.

While things are going quite well, and there is much here to feel positive about, we'd like to remind everyone about proper forum etiquette, and to provide some clarification to ALL members with regards to what is acceptable here and what is not.

HUB Leaders

Hub Leaders here are veterans of both small-cap discussion communities and EDIG investors. The quality of information they breathe in to this forum is paramount. In addition to quality posts, they also invest a great deal of their time to help keep this forum a clean and balanced web 2.0 community.

However as seems to be always the case when such passion is present, sometimes we let our emotions get the better of us. While we wish to stand by our HUB Leaders, most of whom were promoted automatically through our system of promotions (which you, the members have absolute control over), there are times when their otherwise judgment gets clouded by their emotions.

We would like to kindly request HUB Leaders to consider the following:

Any messages you feel are questionable, please report them as a violation before removing them. If you do go ahead to remove a message, please send the author of the to be deleted post a message why you are removing it. For the greater part, people here would appreciate this courtesy and will eliminate such messages posted in the future.

We've given you the ability to remove messages outright to speed up the process of deleting messages with innapropriate content (For example, a nasty picture and profanity as seems to be the case on competing sites). We put it there to provide a better service for you - the remove message button is not there to simply delete messages you do not agree with!!!

It would be aweful if we were put in a position to remove your authority if you continue to abuse the remove button. Please, do not put us in that position and consider removing your HUB Leader status. Consider this your final warning.


Nobody knows the story of e.Digital better than the investors who post their thoughts 365, 24/7 here on AGORACOM. It's quite a privilege as an admin to go through this and many other discussion forums and absorb these valuable details about small-caps. That is one of the privileges of the job.

It's our understanding though, that during the past 24 hours some of you feel that a message or two were removed without cause. We are open to review the context of your message, as long as you send our staff an email message. Our address is, or you can send us a note using the General Contact form. Our staff are here to either re-publish your post, and explain to the member who removed it our reasons behind our action, or to explain to the member why their message was rightfully removed.

We aren't here to take any side - we don't play the favorites game. We play the fair is fair game. This goes to everyone regardless of your profiles rank.

But going on a rant on this discussion forum will find you on the receiving end of a violation report and see your message removed and your hard earned ranking points decline. Please consider keeping a cooler head if you feel that your message was wrongfully deleted and contact us using the methods described above.

Message Removal

Our final note today will aim to clarify a few things about what is a fair comment and what is not. We've received some very silly messages from members of both sides accussing us several times of having a trading agenda on a certain stock based on a ban/deletion decision by one of the HUB Leaders. Believe it or not, we’ve had people from the exact same HUB accuse us of being both long and short a stock based on a compromise in which neither side received 100% satisfaction … we got it from both sides!

Let it be known that comments of this nature are not only delusional, but given the messages context, can and likely will find you in a slander or libel legal situation. So we ask you kindly again to keep your calm, send us a message using the methods described above so that things can resolved without too much fuss, or need for extreme measures. We keep an open line of communication with everyone here, as long as you contact us.

e.Digital has not been a client of AGORACOM for over 5 years now, and rest assured, if they were, this would have to be disclosed as per regulations pertaining to securities set by the Ontario Regulators. But since no contract is in place and there is no compensation, making such accussations will lead to a reaction from us (delete message, delete accounts etc).

As far as what gets deleted, we tend to leave grey areas up to the HUB Leaders. We don't have as solid a grasp about e.Digital affairs as the senior members on this HUB (who once again, were given these authorites through the members consensus, thats you, the person who posts here) so those calls are left to them.

This latter point is also the point we wanted to make to you. Our system isn’t perfect and there are times when you may even disagree with our own decisions. Just as you ask members to respect your decisions and carry on, we also ask that you do the same for us. We assure you that most of the time we will be in agreement – but on occasion we will disagree and that is OK. Just know we don’t take sides and do our very best to come to the best conclusion possible.

One last thing, there seems to be a lack of understanding of what "repetition of the same question, fact or opinion over and over after a response has been provided or if there is currently no ascertainable answer." means.

Though clearly falling under the grey area of things, we've seen a HUB Leader delete a message that made a comment about this stocks trading activity yesterday, calling it repetitous. We find this deletion quite strange as this HUB Leader at a superficial glance posts multiple messages about this stocks trading activities on some days, yet chose to delete a message on the basis that it disagreed with their own thoughts.

THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. As we mentioned earlier, you are given these authorities as a reward for your contributions to this forum. But if you cross the line, it is very, very, veryyyyyyy easy for us to take them away. Once more, please do not put us in that position.

One more thing....

We'd like to clarify one thing to black labs rule regarding our reponse yesterday on message removal. It does appear that a HUB Leader was removing Black Labs Rule messages and we would like to assure Black Labs Rule that we will be taking measures against that user! Thank you for clarifying that for us and for your courtesy and understanding.


We'd like to thank you all again for posting on the EDIG discussion forum. We'd like to direct you once more to our six rules of use if you need to refresh on the forum guidelines. Please find our contact form here if you have any comments or further questions that require clarification. We'd be happy to answer those questions in that way only.

With Sincere Regards,


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