Message: honor minister w thumb

let's honor minister by going to the hub home page, and click twice on the "all time" category to find his highest rated message, let's all give him a thumbs up and put him at the top of the list for all time high, here it is:

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posted on Jan 29, 11 07:02PM

and I just gave him a thumbs up!

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Did you know? Minister is from Santa Rosa, CA

Re: GIL..what's your take on that wonderful cross exam of Mihran by Youngwirth????

posted on Jan 29, 11 07:02PM Use the IP Check tool [?]

You are being way too modest...

The Cross-X was beyond EXCELLENT...Look how Youngwirth pins Mihran down:...

Q1. Does the Microphone, [box #20 in the 774 patent diagram], provide some form of processing to the sound input?...

A. Yes...

Q2. Does analog/digital, (A/D) conversion is a form of processing?

A. Yes, after a lot of heming and hawing...

Q3. Is there processing occuring after the microphone in the 774 patent diagram?...

A. Yes...

So far our side has demonstrated to the Court, through defense experts testimony, that 774 is involved in analog/digitial processing.

Moving over to DSP issues, Youngwirth starts with:

Q4a. There was a discusiion earlier of a DSP, right?

A. We have never had a discussion. Do you mean you and I?

Q4b. I stated there was a discussion earlier about DSP. Not that you and I had such a discussion. It earleir during Mr. Noris' testimony. Do you remember that?

A. Yes...

So far one can say even though professor adjunct Mihran got his Ph.D., he mainly studied mathematics and Phyisics, and his command of English may be limitted. I can understand that. I had many professors, Noble Prize Winners at that, at Berkeley who spoke perfect German, but had some difficulty with their English. So, one can say Mr. Mihran misunderstood the question by Mr. Youngwirth...

Then Mr. Youngwirth asked all important question that made our case:

Q. Looking at the 774 patent, isn't it true that a DSP would do compression of the received signals?

A. Yes...

Q. Could a digital signal processor do all the things identified in the patent as being done by a Digital Support Processor.

A. Yes...


From this pont onward it only got worse for defendants...



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