Message: Minister & Dischino

Only a few things would propel me to post again and the loss of Minister is one. He was funny, informative and dedicated to EDig. Whenever I signed on the first post I would look to read was one that had MINISTER, or GIL as the poster. I do not know how legally correct he was in all his posts but they always made sense to me, being legally challenaged. I had missed his posts, now I know why......Have a good rest Gil and if EDig should rise from the ashes I hope you will sit up and give us all a big....HOORAH, I TOLD YOU SO.....

As for Dischino's visit, he didn't mince words and for a reason....There are no words to mince. Being critical of him and his reporting is "small". I live about 5 miles from EDig's palacial headquarters and visit Mr. FF on a regular basis. I KNOW what questions to ask to satisfy my reason to visit there because I know what questions will get no response or a generic reply giving no information.

The major reason for my visits is to ascertain if the "lights" are still on and front door is not padlocked. When you talk to FF that is all you can find out. He will tell you that DM is still on board or that EDig is in no danger of ceasing to exist among things. He does mention other, business related things, which gives one a sense that you can have a certain confidence in the belief that EDig will somehow prevail.

I am not happy with the present state of affairs but I have not "wallpapered" my study with EDig shares as yet.


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