Message: eVU numbers

The company has been very upfront what airline economics has done to eVU sales. It has been mentioned at the last 3 SHM's, in multiple PR's they have thrown in a blurb, including ditto in the 10-K's. No secrets have been kept that this is a dwindling revenue source.

At the Nov 19, 2009 SHM they presented our "next generation" eVU. At that time, R&D was still going on to finalize the design. It was felt next gen could get us back in the game. A few months later, with competitive products coming into play, this sector remaining weak, they shelved it and put out a PR stating such, and have not re-kindled it. Rather than dumping more R&D cash at it, having little faith due to market conditions and competiton, ROI was doubtful so lets forget it. I recall some "complaining" on this board, yet it turned out to be the right decision. I even emailed Falk complementing him on this move, rather than beat him up on a message board about it.

They also had a larger staff in 08, started down sizing over time and went from 13 (I think) to 8.5 per the 10-K. At the 2011 SHM, Beth who handles the eVU efforts told me it was basically 1/2 of her full time duties. Point being, since 2008 they have been advising share holders of declining sales not only in words, but right there in front of our face with numbers. None of this is a surprise to me, nor do I think the rest of you are shocked to hear this We did benefit over the years with the thousands of devices sold and still generating high margin repairs and content upgrade, although the numbers have dropped.

The previous office had a good size (square footage) dedicated space for eVU functions. Lots of inventory, shelving, repair location, benches, etc. The new office has about 1/3 dedicated space...gee, another indication and reduced rent.

On Dec 15, 2010 they announced (prematuraly of course) the Inno Grp. An obvious separation between eVU and IP monetization ( and new IP developement ( which was better explained on the Mar 14, 2011 CC. That told me and I've said it many times, we are getting out of the widget business. Another clue eVU had a limited future. Anyone owning this stock who thought they were in it for the future of eVU was never paying attention. I also do not see IMO either "group" coming out with a new CE widget. We cannot compete....period...not our future focus...IMO.

Per Nunally Mar 14 in so many words, develope new IP and get paid for what we bring to the party. Did anyone hear them touting eVU from the roof tops? I don't need anyone to tell me eVU is a slowly dying revenue source....

Assuming we get the NIRC on 737, item 2 on the 12 months goals slide, "new round of litigation." BTW, how many times have we seen posted DM is gone or will be gone, EDIG will have to hunt for another firm and won't get a contingency deal, thus pay by the hour and go broke trying...bla blah bla...well, they are still with us gang.

In the mean time with a burn rate per the 10-K, we have about 21 or 22 months of cash, assuming nothing changes. Enough time (IMO) to see some licenses come our way outside of litigation as well as "on the court house steps."

Had we appealed the Markman and spent 3 - 4 years screwing with that, even if we won, where would EDIG be? Broke, deeply in debt, more dilution? Gutsy call IMO to let that slide, get thru reexams and move forward.

eVU has a pulse but that's about it.

Who owns stock in EDIG because of eVU since 2008?

Not me!

Now, if/when the 6 NUNCHI patent apps become real, and another if/when we land some license deals with wireless service providers, OEMS or both, another revenue source.

Lets not forget about number 7 security/encryption patent pending is my last thought.

GL&GH (stolen from Bo)

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