Message: revisit Bankerson, thx

i was not at sh meeting last sept....but others thought his notes from mtg were accurate..thanks Bankerson, i have bolded a few things that jumped out at the Plank...just imo of worth looking at, that's all

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Highlights of my meeting notes

posted on Sep 02, 11 02:42PM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]

About 10 corporate people from EDIG there, including Woody and SEC counsel.

No one there voted their shares in person. Every thing passed by a majority. Details will show up in the 10 K period ending Sept. 30. 2011.

Business Presentation:

5 patents: 774 and 737 now. ( still up for later 445, 108 and 170 )

$14 million so far.

DM gets 40% of settlements

Still in negotiations with others

Floored by ruling ( opinions are rulings, Supreme Court issues opinions (rulings) )

Not sure if now is the time to seek ruling on the 737

Re-exam could make our case stronger. It's taking longer than they thought. "We've got to get thru the re-exam". Good news, they ( including Woody) are able to talk with examiner to resolve and clarify issues. Next time the attorneys can't twist the language.

Boring discussion about eVu. Still viable source of revenue. They are coming to EDIG for more units. ( I assumed neither Fred or anyone else is trying to sell the product in a strong way ). Fred met with Luftansa exec. ( a year ago in Seattle !! ) and they said airlines putting in IFE systems will be hurting later. Over a year ago decided to "scrap"new eVU 2 ............

and then put effort to new tech. And to make sure we have patents on tech. so that bigger companies can't steal our tech. If we had the money to get patents on tech years ago then things would have been different. ( That seemed a shocker to me because I thought we had patents, maybe the patents were not worded precisely enough or ?? That was a weird point in the meeting for me. Disappointed in the past, yet feeling we now are more secure looking forward ( which is where we are going ).

Mezzo making money and we are too. Licensing of content must be done through EDIG. Money is made from repairs, but better money is made from licensing. The tech about security is the strength and the reason.

Profit and loss charts.

Reduce staff 30% and monthly opperating costs of <150 K


6 patents are filed. communication and social networking systems and methods for maxaming mobile communications

Digital Data Distribution and security

Systems and methods for rights managment of electronic media and expression systems and methods for information stored in semi conductors

Our incription tech allowed studios to put content on devices.

Pat N. with MSF video of burdens of living with cell phones and information. ( got several laughs )

Solutions to burdens : EDIG inventing and developing a system .......... users the ability to transparently sense, understand and react to others in a ubiquitious set of communication networks.

A cell phone that can " The subtle art of listening and guaging anothers situation or mood"

gather sensor data determines users situation and then uses that info to manage communication and send data was well as bring info to users

understand what person is doing, user to allow what to share or not share.

Sensor Array............

Presentation is just a simple way to present tech. Give us the flavor of what can be done. It can be vastly more complex. " beyond what you would normally expect".

Then a demo video: on Verizon G3 network, "not a speculation"

understanding ( to different levels of detail ) what people are interpreting befrore they choose to interpet. complex clasifications. Big server military can target complex situations

Freedom: automated social networking in the fashion of Twitter with out need for continuous user input. You can be at movies and phone knows it so other people know it too. Issues of privacy controls.

Knowledge: Personal access to a secure automated diaries of your day, week, month, etc. give you access to full memory of what you have been doing.

Safety: new levels of personal security and emergency service as well as awareness of others well being .

Personalization: completely new levels of consumer intelligence gathering and dynamic marketing _ what you order and timing. Can sense a pattern from husband and from wife and how they interact. Such as going out to dinner. beyond market development.

Short video of Nuchi: currently in opperation. Two cell phones( hand sets) shown and communicating updating data on Verizon G3 network GPS data nuchi server. Red and green bubbles " Contact detail view" example of a meeting and able to know all of the people there. You can know and so can all the people in your social network that you have chosen to keep informed. Phone can sense when lights are off or on. That way you as a caller can be informed and be aware that the meeting has started and you may choose not to call and interupt.

There are privacy controls everything collected now anyway whether you know it or want to know it. There are privacy concerns. Share levels of info with friends and family etc. or with other contacts. You can choose to share or not share. You can set the leve of what to share and with whom you want to share.

Keeping up with the social connections burden. This does it for you. Social media status is updated. Facebook you have to do it. Facebook collects everything and knows more about you than the Federal Government. You can set emergency contact info. Phone can sense if you are in a accident or if you just drop it and loose it.

Simplification of the tech: how sensors connected to specific events ( patterns and algorhythms which get more complex as more info is gathered and users taylor them )

doing extremely well ( not sure how much was meant by this statement, made me wonder how many are using this or tested this or have seen this or is it just that the tech is doing well )

Then discussion of Partners being Key. Need partners that can role out the tech. in products that partners see as benificial to partners needs. EDIG not going to put themselves into a box of making a product. They are going to partner and let others use the tech in a way they find it useful.

My notes say, " Partners are key wtih our relations ability to role out---- Do Look For That"

Then Fred got up to talk saying that everyone got a taste of what Nuchi is all about.

That short term goal is the 774 and 734 reexam, then see where we are at. hopefully favorable then new round of litigation. Development of Nuchi and other tech ( patents ) Getting the word out is Key... Let people know what we are doing.

Earlier he commented that they don't want the competition to know too much and thus they are being reserved on just how much info they are letting people know about.

These are my notes of what I heard and saw. Most likely others heard or saw differently. For those that couldn't be there I hope it helps.

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