Message: A BOD comment about the future, Dis please investigate


AC's comment was made to sman only, a 1 on 1 side bar after the Nov 19, 2009 SHM in the back of the room after the meeting had adjourned.

You can find emit's post with a collection of my notes, DRVEN's and sman's (item 41) in Link Library for what sman reported. I was about 8 to 10 feet away eves dropping and I basically heard the same thing sman reported.

In a nut shell, AC gave an opinion that we would appreciate EDIG's patents when the new iPhone was introduced. He did not say AAPL would license our IP, he did not say AAPL will be sued for infringement, he did not make any concrete statements, just a tongue and cheek comment we'd appreciate the patents.

Nobody else heard it but me and sman.

As an observer, I did not interpret AC was misleading anyone. It was casual chit chat with nothing said of a definitive nature.

I did however follow up on the statement during a visit in 2010, Fred had no knowledge of it, and said he cannot comment on hearsay posted on a message board.

I dropped it that day....

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