Message: Plankton thank you for all you do!

holy crab pattie skreal, it is SAT word day!!

competitive exclusion principle width="13" src="" height="21" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="sound_src=" menu="false"> (km-pt-tv)

The principle that when two species compete for the same critical resources within an environment, one of them will eventually outcompete and displace the other. The displaced species may become locally extinct, by either migration or death, or it may adapt to a sufficiently distinct niche within the environment so that it continues to coexist noncompetitively with the displacing species. Also called Gause's law.

A mixotroph is a microorganism that can use a mix of different sources of energy and carbon. Possible are alternations between photo- and chemotrophy, between litho- and organotrophy, between auto- and heterotrophy or a combination of it. Mixotrophs can be either eukaryotic or prokaryotic.[1]
They can take advantage of different environmental conditions.[2]

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