Message: Did Anyone Else Get This Private Message?

I am sorry you feel the way you do. I sometime wonder why a person with such negative feelings for a stock is a share holder. To give you my opinion and only my opinion on a few of your comments.

First I believe Duane Morris did not drop EDIG it was EDIG that dropped Duane Morris because of the lousey job they did in representing EDIG. Why do I feel this. Lets look at the facts. When EDIG was looking to hire a law firm to represent them in the beginning it took almost a year to sign a deal. How did they find this law firm 24 hours after the deal with Duane Morris was canceled. Common sense would tell us that the NEW Law firm was already on board and had already done there due diligents to determine thay wanted to take this on and not only take it on but give EDIG even a better deal then Duane Morris did. Hum

Second if you checked around and did a little due diligents of your own you would realize that this New Law Firm has had a pretty impressive history of successes. Size has nothing to do with performance.

Ask yourself how long did it take Duane Morris to start the filings after they where on board. Now ask yourself how fast the new firm started. Allow me to insert the phrase NIGHT and DAY difference. Oh and how about the completeness of the suits. Duane Morris "Duane Morris we are sueing you" New Law Firm Here is every product you produce that infringes on EDIG's patents. As well as the fact that there has been no news release about the last 3 filings. What are they waiting for is there possibly more around the corner?

Your comment about loosing money last quarter. There was no litigation going on and the patents where being re-confirmed. Where you expecting a steller quarter. The price of the stock closed at .08 the day after the earnings where released. 16 days later it closed at .114 apparantly the shareholders where really upset with that quarters earnings.

When it comes to Nunchi let me simply say YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. You stated it has been around for a long time. NO it has not. It in reality only existed the day the patents where approved. (How could I sell you a car I didn't own. I could show you it and tell you all about it. You could even show interest in it. But we can't do business till I own it)If you where at the last shareholders meeting this would make all the sense in the world. No one could take it seriously until EDIG owned it. And now they do effective 11/13/2012 news release. I think we can give management a little more then 17 days to do something with it.

There is no hype here, what there is, is hope. It sure looks to me that the right decisions are starting to be made.

I was in PTSC when the same things where being said about it. But then in a very short period of time it ran from .04 to over 2.00. Yes it did come down but at that point I did not own any so I slept well that night. All That I have Said Is Just MY Observations and Opinions Nothing Else. Take It For Whatever It's Worth. Have a Nice Weekend and Cheer Up I Am Sure It Is Not Nearly As Gloom As You Make It Out To Be.

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