Message: Re: Broadcom Predicts Top 10 Technology Trends in 2013

Good points also e.

I think we need to be careful though about context awareness. It's not like every smart phone/tablet will be getting bombarded with adds, coupons etc everywhere we drive, shop. One has to opt in to receive what is available.

Simply put as I see it, you buy a smartphone from Verizon who has licensed NUNCHI and they have a program to opt in or out called Verizon Selects. I don't see the device automaticly having NUNCHI loaded, you buy it in store as a downloadable add on or from their website. Ditto with an existing device.

I vision a license to allow Verizon to sell the platform, with a yearly or one time fee, then EDIG gets a cut for every unit sold. The OEM's would have to make their device that can run NUNCHI, and a Google lets say finishes the package sending out the adds. Both the OEM and search engines would need a license to participate.

3 customers for EDIG make up a package, then the public buys in or not.

CA is but a small part of what NUNCHI is.

I might be all wet, but this is my understanding.

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