Message: Re: A year into it -
Feb 01, 2013 03:10AM
Feb 01, 2013 11:33AM
Feb 01, 2013 11:46AM
Feb 01, 2013 12:25PM
Feb 01, 2013 12:58PM

Micro-controller + secondary power source + MOS = Micro-Processor 21 Platform

With that, for the flash memory issues, the OS/file system is important, because, of the way it packages the raw data prior to it being programed onto the memory.

Keep in mind, prior to data being programed or written into the storage memory, the OS file system is pre packaging very small segments of data within the cache SRAM.

This pre conditioned data of various identifiers + the raw data, are in effect, individually saved segments of data, once they are individually programed into the storage memory. However, they do form complete files , even though they are individually saved segments. The cache SRAM is sized to the physical write block size of the memory....and it's the speed of this write block that is the only hindrance to the MOS, the faster it can write the better this system functions......for both file creation IN and file reading OUT of a storage resource....I/O

And I quote...yet

"MicroOS is the only operating system for flash memory that has a data transfer rate limited only by flash memory write speed."

With that, a logical view of where things are, are physically programed into the per conditioned segments, organizing the segments into, files, directories, sub directories etc. This is a patented completely physical file system, as opposed to a virtually controlled file system.

For a virtually orgnized system... additional files are created, or updated to identify where files, directories, sub directories etc....are located in memory. These files are loaded and reside in a volitile RAM resource when in function and if power is interupted...well...direction is lost of anything new that was being created.


Have a great day all...and thanks emit...appreciate that little bit(but big) there.


Feb 01, 2013 02:27PM
Feb 01, 2013 02:52PM
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