Message: Is there a motive involved

Just a cautionary note on your last line... Just because they haven't announced any contracts does not necessarily mean they haven't signed any. I'm not trying to raise hopes or hype possibilities here, but as I mentioned in my last rant re: a certain A-company, there are outfits out there that prefer to do the announcing. It's all about competitive edge. The less the competition knows about what you have, the less the opportunity they have to compete against you effectively.

I work for a substantial R&D firm in the San Diego area and i see this on a regular basis. All of a sudden, Company X announces a new chip or platform and then suddenly you might hear a hallway conversation along the lines of... Oh, yeah, we signed that months ago. It's all about what the customer wants. Sometimes it never really gets announced... You find out about it after some third party has done a tear-down on a piece of hardware or poked about inside of some client-side software that you might hear that company X or company Y is responsible for the product in question.

Just sayin'


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