Message: No mention on CNBC yet...

We are only surmizing that the lack of specific company and financial information is because of some sort of NDA. Can't he come out and confrim that? Minimally, Fred should come out and say "we have x number of signed licenses(he mentioned 2 and vaguely alluded to others), we are in final negotiations with y(another vague reference) companies, and are working on several others that are in the early stages of negotiation. We cannot, at this time, disclose the names of the companies or the terms and conditions based on an agreement with those companies. Although I know you would like to have more information now, we feel that this strategy will serve the company and thus the shareholders the best in the long run. As for Nunchi, IP Metrics is in negotiations with z number of companies and while we have not finalized anything as yet, we are making progress towards executing several deals. The financial information and company specific information will be available in the near future per required financial reporting regulations and not before."

And then if it was me, I would say "Edigital values and appreciates the loyalty of its long time core of investors and are working diligently to monetize our products and thereby increase the value of the company."

It seems that things are lining up as well as they have in a long time, but...........

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