Message: I don't know...

that it is extremely uncommon for a company to actually acknowledge infringement (and patent validity). Typically, as in a settlement situation (from which this may differ, though the pretense is the same), there is NOT an acknowledgement of anything - just recognition of a settlement. On the issues of validity and actual infringement, they are silent (thus leaving the market in the dark as to whether there is an acknowledgement of actual wrongdoing, and whether the offending party settled for those reasons or to simply make the issue "go away"). Bottom line, it is very rare for any company to acknowledge wrongdoing. IMO, it simply isn't done. It's equivalent saying "yes, we were thieves of someone else's technology". Most companies wish to maintain the image that they do everything legit, and prefer to have others believe that most tech utilized was developed in-house.

From what little I've read (with admitted legal and factual ignorance), it is unclear as to whether monies are coming from Grundig or not. But I'll take old cyber friend Giants' comment/reply for what it is.

Thus, IMO another old friend Coyote has hit a key point regardless of "money matters" in the instant Grundig issue. Grundig's apparent acknowledgements could go a very long way in influencing all outstanding infringing parties. I find Grundig's acknowledgements as very bold (surprisingly so), and could prove to be very profound. Then again, if it could possibly have a negative impact on their marketplace competition, it may have been seen as advantageous. The complexities of such business decisions....

Alas, I KNOW nuttin'! (had to throw that in from the old days - but I do know what I state in my first para above). In any case, I do see this as a very positive sign which should not be simply ignored.

I do ask again: Aren't these acknowledgements by Grundig worthy of an EDIG PR? Personally, if I were them, I'd want to shout it to the world, gain maximum exposure. I suspect it would get the desired attention if made widely known, and perhaps a desireable reaction from other infringing parties.



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