Message: 10Q August 2013

10Q August 2013

In my opinion, and this is only my opinion, I expect the closer we get to the next 10Q in August, the higher the share price will go.... because EDIG had several settlements this quarter that they will be posting. Of course, we don't have any information on the amounts of the settlements. So, it's anybody's guess as to the amounts. Some will say they are nuisance amounts, some will say even less, some will say more, lots more. But, the TRUTH is... NOBODY KNOWS THE AMOUNTS BUT FRED, HANDAL, and the Infringers.... and they are not talking.

So, I will not speculate on any amounts yet, but I suspect the more products that infringe, the more money they will have to pay when they settle... simple logic... I reason that's why Handal got all the retailers involved in the first place to put pressure on the Infringers. Why else would the retailers be dismissed with promise to provide Handal with information on product sales. So, now we wait for the next 10Q unless FRED puts out a PR with some guidance or NEWS.

In my opinion, if by chance NEWS comes out about Apple, Sandisk, or any of the other big name company cutting a deal, then we skyrocket because in the OTC world its all about rumor, exposure, and MOMO. Good Numbers are great anytime, but in the OTC world nothing is better at moving a stock than EXPOSURE and the RUMOR of big MONEY, then the acknowledgement of it...LOL Then, of course, lets not forget about NUNCHI.

That's how I see it, as simple minded as it may be. Currently, I'm working on a list of accused products by each settled case and by patent to get a very rough idea as to the amounts. But, without the number of products sold, it's sheer speculation at best. I just might have put myself on a fools errand...LMAO, but it will not be the first time. So, off I go on my search, I will post my findings when I have completed my research.

Now, with all that being said, the stock market can be a fickle friend, it can run with you or against you. Please remember, NOBODY on this earth owns the keys to the stock kingdom, if they say they do, they're lying.


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