Message: Annual shareholder's meeting 8/29

Welcome...collectively we have a great group and many contributions by all.

What you have just done in two posts with copy/paste then commentary, is paying attention to what I call repeatedly, HINTS.

As long as we pay attention to public statements and not over connect the dots with too much speculation, a "picture starts to form."

If we follow the flow of info closely, then look back in time when a new development surfaces, these hints then make sense.

I use public statements each time I visit Fred or call him. I seek whatever clarification I can get if I am not clear as to it's meaning. Sometimes I reach that line and Fred has to pass, other times it is acceptable to discuss and I learn something and share it the best I can.

On submitting a question list before a meeting, a clarification.

We submitted 23 before the 3-14-11 webcast. If people recall, Fred stated he had a list of questions he would address either indirectly in the presentation or directly, in which case he read selected questions. I had my list when listening, and I checked off 18 of 23.

We submited 20 before the 9-1-11 SHM, I sent them to Fred 2 weeks before the meeting (my self imposed deadline for the group) then had an appointment to see him 2 or 3 days later. I brought the list with me, asking if he was going to address them. He had not but glanced over them at that time, but some he flat out said I will not address, such as "justify why you earn/deserve $185K/yr?" Another was, "when will you sign on a NUNCHI partner?" "joe, I can't answer a question like"

When Q&A hit, I asked "are you going to address my question list?" He looked right at me and loudly said "NO." He quicky realized he answered with emotion, then said, "do you remember any of them?" I replied "if you choose not to respond then no." I was a little annoyed he barked at I later approached him at the podium when the meeting was over, shook his hand and said I was not biggy.

When I got home, pulled out the 20 question list and 11 were addressed.

Even though we achieved 18 of 23 then 11 of 20, it is not something that is necessary to submit, as he pretty much knows what's on peoples minds from emails, calls and visits all year long. Being at a SHM, he answers what he can whether we submit a formal list or not, thus why I say not doing it this go round.

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