Message: We need a 'game-changer' - darn-tootin

I want to make money on Nunchi, but seriously, do you all really want the Net to know where you are and when, contantly bombarding you with ads to buy stuff? My impression after reading that first article was that, man, I'm turning off my phone.

I'm not against Nunchi, I guess 15 years ago or whenever I first bought Edig we just weren't involved in social sensing / privacy.

The whole social sensing thingy creeps me out. Does anyone have Pandora? You know what happens when you thumbs-up a song, or thumbs-down a song? You get a lot more of what you want and a lot less of what you don't. At first this seems appealing, but, taking this to its logical conclusion, eventually you are listening to a few similar songs and your variety is gone.

Can anyone tell, what is the spice of life??


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