Message: Interesting Nuance news...

I could flood the board with companies/products way ahead of nunchi -

Cool thing happend other day - A met a guy he said, 'Arn't you Tim' I said 'yes.' He went on to say, 'you remember meeting me at the Field-Day back in 03-04 and we discussed rare-earth-magnets and I gave you four; I said, ya we were talking about a 'perpetual motion' company using them.

He said, 'You were right about bluetooth' it was a term that pert-near no one had heard about but us diggers back then. I said yes it's pretty much a standard now. He then said, 'Ya and I been keeping an eye on e.Digital also. I just smiled and said, 'what a mess huh.' Me don't advocate for the digger no more; burnt too many times.

anyway fiel-day is where us HAMs go-out in a field/park somewhere remote - we take generators get off the grid and DZ for 24hrs to see how many contacts we can log... In case thers' ever a national emergency.

Dang RE magnets will hurt ya if not careful - don't let children play with them, lol


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