Message: Re: Pacer:Appeal-EDIG unopposed motion to extend time to file its principal brief

"Among other things, the Appellee in this matter has indicated that it intends to move to consolidate and/or coordinate this appeal with one or more of the following other Related Matters:"

"While Appellant anticipates opposing such a motion, if the motion is granted, then most likely the briefing and/or proceedings in this matter will be coordinated and/or consolidated in total or in part with those of one or more of the Related Matters."

FWIW, Looks like Handal wants to be prepared for whatever happens with the motion expected by Appellee Woodman(seeming to be the lead appellee) and needs a bit more time to put the details together...As I would figure the details from one Appellee defendant to the next, was / is, different at the civil court level, from the SPJ's to the patents litigated.

I note ... e.Digital Corporation v. Futurewei Technologies, Inc., et al., (Huawei 774 and 108 litigation) Is a possibility to be consolidated...

Thing is, the other Appellee defendants, if I remember correctly, do not have 108 in their civil litigation... With that, should they be allowed to consolidate to something that is not held against them...that being 108 ?

Anyway, some day it has to

Thanks sman...I'm sure glad you and others have the stamina ...because I'm running out of steam.


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