Message: NDA's are they needed

To start off with the reason for an NDa is to protect a companies very specific ownership of a patten that some one else is interested in or is inquiring into it. It is signed to protect it from being stolen. We all know that there are secrets in evry patten and every company want to protect then from being stolen. That being said, have any of the NDA's that Edig had signed been succesful in its intent.

The problem with secrets is that when more than one persaon knows it , it has become public knowledge to those whom they want that information to be known.

Edig has been suckered into deals that today as a result of these NDA's hundreds of companies have taken this secret information and used it to their benifit and have screwed EDIG out of money and reputation of ownership. To me the fault lays at the feet of those who are responsible for the protection of the secreats in the first place as they made deals with companies who agreed to NDA's and went on with their theft of our secrets and made not millions but billions and here we are in a begging situation asking for a few crumbs and being denide.

Now we have NDA's about the settlements being made. The past few days even the honesty of the company has been brought into question. Let me state here right now. I don't believe anything like that has happened with those in charge of EDIG. As to the amounts that have been settled there should be no NDA's as to the amounts and what exactly these criminals were made to pay. They knew what they were doing and just like in any criminal case the penalty bis well known by all. Otherwise other criminals will look to do the same thing and get away with it for many years beforee they are made to pay.

The confession by Jobs of Apple should be enough for any idiot to understand that companies will steal if they can and if that theft will enhance their company. This has happened as a result of NDA's we got involved with. And so here we are going after hundreds of companies who carried out their theft to the detrimine of EDIG. I for one did not invest in EDIG just to support thosae who work for EDIG and these settlement should not be for the sole purpose of keeping these at their job being paid in full and then some.Its for that reason i have alway stated here that we need a killer instinct and nail these companies and make them pay big time for the benefit of all of us who have invested in thisa company and not for just lawyers.

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