Message: joe/doni

"IMO It needs their expertise when it is set to the physical silicon,'

emit, e.Digital has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the silicon process.

Their win is in being the first to patent the idea of utilizing the defects... no matter how it's done....period. For that patented idea, has prior patented proprietary methods that allow them to implement the Signet ideas. They also patented the methods that status quo might implement such as ...bit map, allocation tables...or any type directive structure in maintaining the bad memory issues.

emit, you're just getting too far ahead of things.

Yes it may be "attractive to manufacturers of semiconductors" I'm not disputing that, however it's not physically part of their process. And if they try and implement bad memory issues as part of a security it by methods similar to e.Digitals proprietary methods, or through status qou methods....they will be infringing e.Digitals patent.


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