Message: Re: Hmmm, I guess no one liked the 10K emit

I was hopping to see something about Apple in the 10K, but I do understand now that all our patents are some how connected, the Collateral Estopel is crucial for Edigital, and if anyone is looking to partner us, they want to make sure we have all the ingredients in hand.

I do like the fact that EDIG is on black ink and they made a profit, but the market does not like revenue from law suits.

I was postings stuff regarding CA and Apple trying to get CA related patents, now that Handal will go after Co's using Nunchi, they will have to use a license from us.

Licenses from Nunchi and MIcrosignet……

From my point of view this will be a good “Plan B”, is the Collateral Estopel is not in our favor.

Black ink is good and it should get better in the next report.

Have a nice weekend all .....


Jun 21, 2014 11:09AM
Jun 21, 2014 12:21PM
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