Message: Wikipedia

They're eying those that have already done killer CA, as they said, they're prepping to take action - IMO our best hope for monitizing CA is more suits... but ya know about that squeeky-wheel. lol

I just want someone to answer this: I put it out there several different ways.

I see it we created it 'all' per handheld flash manipulation; yet they arn't shouting it from rooftops - like don say's, ' CC has them starting a-new' I said time to reload... with high calibar for elephant / bear.

Guess doni's thinking Micron will try another batch of bs.

thx bud - sndk no 108 yet, sweeet / cooool.

toshiba's still hanging on 108 per second round, i think to.

sink - ya, if they'd just build that MS prototype we'd be 'up-town.'

IMO We could atleast name a partner to attempt it, or PR a new innitiative with the Blue-Sands guys to do so... Appears PNs a thinker nota doer per all these broadband patents now our pseudo-platforms....

We should get lil more money now, let's see what they do with it besides placate themselves.


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