Message: Already Down 50%, Should GoPro's Stock Price Be Even Lower? mention

Micron also twists e.Digital’s words from its Opening Brief. e.Digital has 25 never said that Ban, Jeffrey and Lasker disclose only a “specific feature of FAT.”

(See Dkt # 43 at 18:22-26.) Rather, it argues that the inventors distinguished a specific feature of the brand of FAT taught by that prior art to the extent it requires data manipulation in RAM before rewriting the manipulated data back to a specific feature of the brand of FAT taught by that prior art to the extent it requires.

In fact, in excerpts relied on by Micron, the inventors specifically reference the inefficiencies of FAT as taught by Ban, Lasker and Jeffrey. (See Dkt # 43 at discussed by the patentees is the process described herein. -5-

18:16-20, citing Defendants’ Ex. 3 at 7.) The only “inefficiency” specifically discussed by the patentees is the process described herein.

  1. Even if Micron’s attempt to import its “antecedent basis” argument from theparent ’445 patent to the ’108 patent were proper, it does not lead to the automatic conclusion that the preamble is limiting

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