Message: Re: Handal response- They will address IPR issue at final resolution of the the case
Mar 26, 2015 09:42AM
Mar 26, 2015 10:08AM

At times, a mgmt shake up is a good thing.

At the 9-17-08 SHM, Jerry & Eric plus 4 comrads sat together. Side note, 50 mln additional shares approved that day...officially.

RP & FF ran the mtg, PN had a role discussing his indentifying 174 claimned infringers. The TX 7 was in play since Mar-08 if my memory is correct. I asked Pat how he was able to come up with all these outfits claimed to be using our Flash-R patents..."lots of late nights and pizza being delivered."

Blakely was sitting in the front row, he said less than 10 words and was a non participant during the mtg.

All the above told me, something was about to change. I remember calling LL saying, Blakely's days are numbered. The hospital adventure had already been tossed.

I think it was Jan-09, Blakely resigned, Fred took the spot, Eric was placed on the BOD before Mar I think...note PLACED, meaning not by invitation...IMO.

My conclusion, RP was on a short rope, as I sensed tension between him and Jerry, which was confirmed by more body language at the Nov 19, 2009 SHM, then RP steps down Dec 10, 2010.

At the Nov 19 SHM, Fred announced we were debt free.

All history, now we are doing some things differently.

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