Message: Congress may target patent trolls who prey on tech industry innovation

Giants.. regarding your considerations...then why bother with a patent system?

For the most part, defendants, like Intel, that e.Digital is going after know exactly what e.Digital invented. e.Digital took Intels junk pile of memory and made usable. Intel stuck it to e.Digital, with that, do not think for a moment that a company like Micron will not do the same.

e.Digital is not by any consideration a patent troll. e.Digital is a little company that companies like Intel do not want to see become a large company. Intel was privy to what e.Digital had from the get go. That includes comparisons to prior art issues, such as, the prior art of Intel detailed in its IPR of e.Digitals 108/445 patents.

Same for TI and many others.

e.Digital has every right to enforce it's patent rights ....that it directly invested in.

Giants this is not only about patent the fine print.

"House lawmakers on Tuesday said they will push legislation this year that would make it tougher for people like Beyer to claim patent infringement, and put them on the hook for legal costs if they lose. The bill is a top lobbying priority for the tech industry, which says it repeatedly fends off frivolous lawsuits because of poorly written software patents and laws that favor patent holders."

This is about changing the face of any patent holder.

Now, where were we with that statute law issue regarding Micron not filing notice properly? IPR aside, this is what big business has now resorted to.

Big business steals and that has been attested to by Steve Jobs of Apple. Do you feel this is proper?


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