Message: A country of laws

My hope is that what has been suggested is not true, yet one has to wonder what happened to those laws enacted to protect the small from those who are much bigger. Todate the big are eating the smalll and with the blessings of the courts. The law means nothing since how it is interpeted depends on the opinions of judges who might just have an interest financially in what he is making a decision on. I know that Joe will take me to task for my negativity but it seems that others here have had the same opionion as I about judges and their decisions of the past. To ignore what has happened in the past is no different then putting your head in the sand and then waiting for some one to kick you where the sun does not shine.

When even Doni and Emit are having difficulty with the sense of all this angling going on , there has to be someting more insidious happening and for sure we will be the last to know.

Most of us are trapped in edig. Thos of us that were with the company for 15 or 18 years have paid a stiff price for the stock. Selling it at 10 cents from where you first bought it and the tens of thousands you invested in it has turned into just wishful thinking. I hope I'm wrong but most indication show that otherwise. I'm prepared for the worse.

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