Message: yet again

Well, I hold a significant amount of shares of EDIG, as do many others on this board. The reason I bought shares of e.Digital in April of 1999 is because I have a better than average technical understanding of the FLASH R patents.

I am not an expert in electronics but I've been a computer technican for over 40 years... I've worked in technical field my whole career. I know what I own. IN MY OPINION, the defendants are USING e.Digital's PATENTED TECHNOLOGY without paying to do so. I trust BLUE SANDS knows what the hell they are doing... They are the experts.

Personally, I get a kick out of reading TTEDDY posts about FRY "EM UP....LOL because I feel the same damn way. Boil 'em in oil.

Now, whether or not Handal can convince a jury of INFRINGEMENT is an UNKNOWN... but I hope he gets the chance in court.

YES, I GET IT. I UNDERSTAND. It all comes down to the JUDGE and/or JURY.

Call me bias, call me me bull headed, call me whatever you want to call me, but I think the defendents are knowingly using e.Digital's technology and are not willing to pay for licenses unless their feet are held to the fire.... and they are using the money they made on stolen technology to pay for the HIGH DOLLAR LAW FIRMS to defend them. I would venture to say TENS OF BILLIONS of DOLLARS have been made on e.Digital's technology over the years.

Now, thats how I feel about the whole thing... like it or not, disagree or agree, I do not sugar coat, I'm not POLITICALLY CORRECT, and don't try to put lipstick on a pig...LOL... and I really don't give a crap if anyone doesn't like it.. I just call them like I see them.

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