Message: Time & Sales - Thursday 5/14/15 Vol 10,570 Closed at $0.0807

I not only agree with your last comment, I have made several suggestions to Fred including a specific prodct or two to build and market. This business of patent litigation and settlements will only last so long and the income from these hs until now been minimal, and probably will never amount to millions and millions.

We have two new paltforms that have been completed for quite sometime, except now they talk about the need to make the applications to demonstrate the use of the platforms. So far qwe have seen nothing.

They also said that Handal wasd assumimg the sales role for both the Nunchi and MS packages. One would think that Handal is so busy handling manydozens of edig cases, that there isn't any leftover time to make any kind of sales effort.

What we have isn't working as far as generating any contracts, why not try an appraoch that almost all companies use, hire a experienced professional salsman and turn him loose on selling the Nunchi and MS syatems, Pay him a salary and a percent of the contract/or a substantial bonus for each contract. Its time to start making things happen to initiate company growth and higher share prices for the benefit of all.

Of course, its only an opinion, but we continue to see nothing happening. A change is obvious!

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